Facial Assessment Consultations
If you are concerned about specific facial features such as lips and cheeks or have concerns with acne, rosacea, pigmentation or the hydration of your skin tthis is the consult for you!
We offer a comprehensive facial assessment for anyone looking to enhance their skin quality or improve specific features.
What is a Facial Assessment Consultation?
During your facial assessment consultation we work together to identify a treatment plan for you based on the outcomes of the score received across the various categories of the Facial Assessment Scale. (FAS).
Categories of the FAS:
Skin Quality: This category assesses for firmness in the skin, glow of the skin, hydration, uneven skin tones, texture and tightness. Looking for the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, scars and skin problems such as rosacea, acne and vasculaur lesions. Natural ageing processes lead to weakening and thinning of the skin.
Facial Shape: As we age, we naturally lose facial volume as our fat pads decrease, muscle tone changes and mid face bone reabsorption occurs. This can cause an imbalance seen in the mid and lower face as changes in eye, cheek, jawline and lip shape.
Symmetry: The assessment of each side of the face against the other side with recognition that there is assymetry naturally occuring across the face for all humans. We assess the degree of assymetry and its impact.
Proportion and Contour: This category assesses the relationship between facial features. For example the size of the top lip compared to the bottom lip.
Expression: This category assesses the movement of the face and its impact on communication. Are the appropriate emotions potrayed in expression or are there features affecting the outcome? Do you strugle with people saying you look angry or sad when you are not?
Our Approach:
Consultation: Our team will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your aesthetic goals and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique facial anatomy.
Customized Treatment: We will work with you to align your goals and build a plan based on your specific needs. Our aim is to help you achieve a harmonius balanced enhancement of your facial features whilst maintaining the natural contours of your face.
Comfort and Safety: We prioritise your comfort and safety throughout the entire process. During your consult we will discuss the risks of each treatment option in detail to ensure you are able to make informed consent. We work in partnership with our clients and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Post-Treatment Care:
All clients are asked to return for a 2 week review post treatment. This allows us to assess the outcome of the treatment and make any necessary adjustments.
Each treatment in uniquely designed for each individual therefore additional post care instructions will vary. Generally most treatments require minimal to no downtime. Most common side effects usually subside quickly however you will be provided all the information during your consultation.
Is this Consultation Right for You?
If you desire a refreshed and youthful appearance without surgery, our treatment options may be the solution. Book a consultation with our experts to discuss your goals, address any concerns, and embark on your journey to rediscover the beauty within.
‘A youthful face, commonly defined as a blend of harmonius, symmetrical, and balanced features, is more likely to convey more positive feelings………..Aging gracefully may be synonymous with retaining fullness of features, smooth facial contours, gradual transitions between facial areas and proper proportions in 3 dimensions while showing only a modicum of lines, blemishes, hollows and shadows.’
Reference: The Facial Aging Process From the ‘Inside Out. The Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2021 Oct; 41(10):1107- 1119. Arthur Swift MD, Susan Weinkle, MD, Julia K Garcia, PhD, and Michael B Silberberg, MD MBA

Elevate your well-being, illuminate your skin, and redefine your aesthetic radiance. Book your personalised health, skincare, or aesthetics treatment now, and embark on a transformative journey to a healthier, more radiant you!